お知らせ| 集中環境を整えるサプリ販売開始



 仕事を頑張れば頑張るほどストレスは大きくなり、心身共に状況は更に悪化し仕事への集中力は極端に下がり、 同時に仕事の効率も落ちるといった皮肉な結果を生み出しています。

 今までの仕事の中で生産性を上げる方法の一つとしては、エナジー系のドリンクや食品を無理に摂取して強引に興奮状態を作り、自分の身体を酷使してきたビジネスパーソンは多いのではないでしょうか? このような状況を打破し、身体に負担をかけずにパフォーマンスを上げるためには何が必要で、何が不必要なのかを様々な角度から見つめ直すポータルサイト「身体に負担をかけずにビジネスパフォーマンスアップ: Re Focus(https://refocus-mind.jp/)」を立ち上げました。

 私たちは身体に負担をかけずにパフォーマンスを上げるために、主に自律神経のバランスを保つことの重要性を感じております。 自律神経は大きく交感神経、副交感神経に分かれており、交感神経は主に緊張・興奮状態の時に優位になり、 副交感神経はリラックスしている時に優位になります。 

最近ではGoogleなどの先端企業やNBAなどのトップアスリートも仕事や試合、練習前にリラックス状態を瞑想や呼吸法 を活用してつくり、副交感神経を優位にすることで、パフォーマンスを上げることが主流になってきております。 

つまり、エナジードリンクなどの様に興奮状態を作ることとは逆の考え方です。 エナジー系ドリンクを摂取することは交感神経を優位にし、一時的に興奮・覚醒状態になるので仕事が捗っている気持ちになりますが、実は自律神経のバランスが悪くなり、結果的に長い目で見ると効率は落ちているのです。 



現在、⽇本のビジネスシーンにおける⽣産性の低さが指摘されています。 理由は様々あるかと思いますが、科学的に合理的かつ効果的に個⼈の能⼒を上げる⽅法の一つに、常に適度にリラックスしている状態を作ることがあります。これは先ずは個人で取り組める、生産性を上げることに役立つのではないかと考えております。 

常に⼼をリラックスした状態を作り、冷静さを保ち、集中⼒を上げ、想像⼒を⾼め、⼈間関係を向上させて、仕事の⽣産性、パフォーマンスを上げてほしいと思っております。 ⼤げさなことではなく、先ずは⾃分で⼿軽にスタートできることから始めることをお勧め致します。 



What is ReFocus?

In today’s work environment, more and more businesspeople are feeling extremely stressed due to “human relations in the workplace,” “heavy workload,” and “overcrowded work content.

The harder they work, the more stressed they become, and the worse their mental and physical conditions become. The ironic result is that their concentration on their work drops drastically, and at the same time, their work efficiency drops.

One of the ways to increase productivity at work is to forcibly consume energy drinks and foods to create a state of excitement, and many businesspeople may have overworked their own bodies. In order to break through this situation, we have launched a portal site, “Increase Business Performance without Burdening the Body: Re Focus (https://refocus-mind.jp)” to review from various angles what is necessary and what is unnecessary in order to increase performance without burdening the body. /Re Focus ()” was launched.

We feel that it is important to maintain the balance of the autonomic nervous system in order to improve performance without putting strain on the body. The autonomic nervous system is largely divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, with the sympathetic nervous system being dominant during times of tension and excitement, and the parasympathetic nervous system being dominant during times of relaxation.

The sympathetic nervous system is dominant when we are in a state of tension or excitement, while the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant when we are relaxed. Recently, leading companies such as Google and top athletes such as the NBA have begun to use meditation and breathing techniques to create a state of relaxation before work, games, and practice, and by making the parasympathetic nervous system dominant, it has become a mainstream practice to improve performance.

Therefore, we have adopted various methods of balancing the autonomic nervous system from specialists in various fields, such as doctors, oriental medicine researchers, nutritionists, food advisors, sleep advisors, and historical researchers. In other words, it is not like an energy drink.

In other words, it is the opposite of creating a state of excitement like energy drinks. Consuming energy drinks makes the sympathetic nervous system dominant, which temporarily puts you in a state of excitement and wakefulness, which makes you feel like you are making progress in your work, but in fact, it imbalances the autonomic nervous system and as a result, you lose efficiency in the long run.

It is now known that when the autonomic nervous system is in balance, or in other words, in a state of moderate relaxation, we can achieve more potential than when we are excited. This is exactly what happened in the episodes where a professional baseball player saw a fastball pitcher’s ball stop, or a car racer saw the scenery in his field of vision go into slow motion when cornering at 300 km/h. It means that we are able to concentrate better when we are relaxed.

To use a historical fact as an example, the fact that meditation has been practiced in Buddhism for more than 2,000 years is proof of the need for mental stability and relaxation in life.

In recent years, the mechanisms of relaxation methods such as meditation, which have been practiced for a long time, have been elucidated by science.

I would like to deliver such information to not only business people, but also athletes, artists, and all other people living in a stressful society, including various appropriate ways of thinking and methods.

Currently, the low productivity in the Japanese business scene is being pointed out. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most scientifically rational and effective ways to increase personal productivity is to always be in a state of moderate relaxation. I believe that this will be useful in increasing productivity, which can be tackled by individuals first.
We hope that by maintaining a relaxed state of mind, we will be able to maintain our composure, improve our concentration, increase our imagination, improve our relationships, and increase our productivity and performance at work. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, just something you can do yourself to start with.

I would like to build a bright future for the nation with the calmness of the mind so that everyone can act positively under the anxious situation where society is changing drastically.

Refocus is a new word that means to relax, refresh and refocus in the right way.
Refocus is a new word that means to relax in the right way, to refresh and to focus again.